Each year Banyan hosts four family gatherings. These events offer an opportunity to celebrate and deepen community, where new families can be welcomed, and familiar friends can get to know one another better.

162+ people came with to the orchard (<2 years old not in the count)

This fall Banyan filled two school buses and took the annual trip down to Minnesota Harvest Apple Orchard in Jordan, MN.  Every family was gifted their own ‘You-Pick’ bag to fill with fresh crisp apples. The orchard offers 5 varies: Zestar, Paula Red, Cortland, McIntoch and Honeycrisp! Youth and families also had the opportunity to pet animals, splash in the corn pit, solve the corn maze, and travel on a hayride – great Minnesota traditions!

The event was not just about fall favorites; it was an opportunity for families to get out of the city and enjoy a time of togetherness. A mini family vacation! Everyone came home with great memories, treats to eat, and the joy of a fall family tradition.