Eighteen Banyan youth who have completed 3rd to 5th grade spent a number of nights at Camp Fire with Banyan staff. Camp is often full of activities that cannot easily be done in the city. This year the youth had a class in archery, went on a high ropes course, tried out some paddle boards, roasted hot dogs over a fire, and explored nature. The girls cabin also won the Cleanest Cabin Award!

This year, several youth had never spent a night away from home, making going to camp a significant step for them. One of those youth’s was Esther. Throughout the school program year Esther has been friendly but reserved. She participated but didn’t typically initiate. At camp a new, more confident, Esther started to emerge. She gave suggestions for the cabin chant and actively participated in planning the cabin skit. Esther started to flex her leadership muscles, and it was great to witness. Esther’s mother expressed her appreciation to Aidee for helping her, since she had never slept away from home.

“One of the highlights of my summer is camp. It’s very exciting to see all the kids try new things. They come out of their shells and their peers cheer them on. I can’t decide if the best part is seeing their happy smiling faces or their look of pride as they try a new thing. Camp is an important milestone for Banyan youth.”  -Aidee Arocho, Elementary Educator

This year many of the youth were interested in learning more about nature. They excitedly hunted for animal footprints, located an eagle’s nest, collected feathers or sticks and some of the youth were even able to earn their Camp Fire Nature Pin.

Another highlight of the week was archery. For many youth this was a new experience. Nataly was so excited to try archery that she did it during her free time activity and went to the range a second time with the Banyan youth. Joseph was eager to repeat the bullseye that he scored last year (he came VERY close). However, Roman had the best shot, hitting the bonus cone!

“I signed up for archery because I always wanted to try it. It was REALLY fun!” Nataly

Camp is a place where youth feel safe and can come out of their shells. It’s a place where youth learn things about themselves and each other. Camp is a unique opportunity for personal growth and social emotional community learning between Banyan youth and staff. By financially supporting Banyan Community you are an integral part of this growth. Thank you for continuing to fund programs that allow youth to expand their life experience portfolio.