Hey Banyan!
What is Summer Slide?
Keeping youth engaged (and learning) over the summer is no easy task. Parents spend time and resources preventing the summer slide through many enrichment programs.
On top of the normal summer challenges, we know the Covid-19 pandemic has added even more academic and social ramifications for our youth, especially those facing an opportunity gap. As Banyan Community works to curb these outcomes, and prevent the slide, we hope you will join us for an expert discussion on the research, the practice, and the success stories of quality summer programming – an essential strategy to close the gap.
During this Hey Banyan! event in April, Kari Denissen Cunnien, Executive Director of Ignite Afterschool, shared information about the research and best practices of impactful summer programs. Allison Burns, Banyan’s Elementary Program Manager, offered insights on our programming that offers experiential learning opportunities, adult connection, and daily structure. Diamond Jackson reflected on her personal experiences in Banyan’s summer programs.
Thank you for joining us for this important and timely conversation!
Thank you for joining us!
“I love how Banyan supports families and kids. My kids really enjoy coming here and the educators do a great job.”
“I am so grateful for Banyan. I trust Banyan and the staff here with my children, which is very important to me.”
“Sometimes I think of moving to the suburbs due to the drug and homeless issues but, then I think of Banyan and my neighbors, friends and family and I say – I CAN NEVER LEAVE PHILLIPS.”
“I’m glad I came to Banyan this summer or else I would just be at home bored watching TV instead of doing fun things like crafts.”
“I’m thankful that we have had Banyan to guide us through this college process. We have never done this before, and don’t know anything about college or financial aid. It was good to know that our son had Banyan to help him understand things and explain the steps.”
“Banyan teaches you to stand up for what you know is right, to handle the situation in a respectful manner.”
“I give to Banyan because I know that my gift will go a long way both in impact with the community as well as effectiveness with a well-run organization.”