Banyan elementary youth spent the last week of July at Camp Streefland – a summer day camp offered through the YMCA. Youth spent time exploring and enjoying the great outdoors. Some of the highlightsYouth swimming included building outdoor forts, archery, games, and many crafts! And, there was plenty of swimming to keep cool! When the heat index rose too high for comfort, youth also spent an afternoon playing games in Banyan’s air conditioned gym.

Camp gave youth a fun summer experience and an opportunity to embrace their assets. The high rope was a new experience for some youth, and it provided an opportunity to face fears and meet a challenge. Those who chose not to climb demonstrated their abilities to support and cheer on their friends by helping to belay from the ground. The youth worked together so everyone could enjoy this new experience in their own way.

Summer camp helped to create new and lasting summer memories. It was a perfect week full of enrichment and a great way to wrap up Cool Off Days summer programming.