Banyan Community is offering a program this spring to expand parent’s knowledge and resources about higher education. Parents with younger youth (3rd-5th graders) are participating in the sessions, Open Doors, facilitated by the UofM – Extension. The goal is to increase Latino parent’s awareness of the U.S. secondary and post-secondary education system. Conversations that help parents play an active role in supporting their child’s education by understanding the role of GPAs, standardized testing, and ways to prepare for the cost of post-secondary education.

Parents are enjoying learning strategies and tips to build a successful and happy educational future for their kids and family. By gaining information about the school system, parents can be better advocates at home and plan for the future.

Banyan’s College & Career Counselor is another resource to parents as they navigate future planning. Since Open Doors has been well received, Banyan will look to offer the class again in the future.