“Compassion and Justice – as it relates to Charity and Development”
Tim Essenburg, Co-Founder and Professor of Economics, Bethel University
What does it mean? How do we, as Christians, respond to the needs in our communities? With compassion, with justice, or both? Can we make a long lasting impact?
It depends…..
Join us for a conversation as we explore our role and our church’s opportunity, in impacting change.
We will be challenged to consider that we often let our hearts get the best of us when we engage in action. Understanding the need (chronic or crisis), past the emotion, will drive how to best respond. Crisis needs require charity. Chronic needs require development. Both require that we uphold the dignity of the recipients. However, our acts of justice will be qualitatively different.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
4:30 – 6:00 pm
St. Bartholomew of Wayzata
630 Wayzata Blvd E
Wayzata, MN 55391
This is the second event in 2017 to connect, learn, and share. Each event is intended to be informal opportunity to learn more about the work and impact of Banyan Community. Please bring friends and colleagues to connect in a casual, community setting.
The Power of Connections: Insight from a Banyan Supporter
“One of the simplest, but most influential things, we can do is to make connections. I met the Banyan Community and realized that what they offered and needed were a match with what my home parish needed and could offer.
Many people credit their education with the creation of meaning and opportunity in their lives. Banyan offers folks the chance to make an important and relevant difference in the lives of young people and their family, passing along the gifts and opportunities they were provided in their lives. This type of connection provides benefit and meaning to both groups.
My small part was to recognize the importance of the connection, and to reach out my hand to each group, and make the connection.”
Won’t you reach your hands out and make more connections for Banyan? Introduce the transformational work to others and bring them to a Hey Banyan! event.