2020-2021 Annual ReportWe are excited to share with you our 2020-2021 Annual Report! We love the opportunity to look back over the year and reflect on all the accomplishments and milestones. In the process, we are reminded of the role you play in making it all possible. Your gifts of time, talent, and treasure are key to making Banyan possible. Thank you!

This was another interesting year and we are grateful to have had youth on-site for programming the whole year. We were able to support them through distance learning and the transition back to the classroom, social and emotional development, and physical activity. We continued to support families through our outreach and drive-up engagement opportunities. We know how important gathering together is, even socially distanced gatherings, of which we took full advantage! In addition, we enjoyed a ‘normal’ summer full of exploring, learning, and connecting with youth and families.

This last year we also completed a very robust strategic planning process. The plan charts our course for the next five years, and we are very excited about implementation and growth opportunities. The plan continues the journey we’ve been on to deepen our roots within the community and creates enhancements to ensure youth and families receive relevant, future oriented programming. Our ongoing and focused approach will continue to develop reconciled people, committed learners, and leading citizens.

All of our year-round wrap-around support services are provided at no cost to families. At Banyan, we foster the healthy development of young people, we address issues that are associated with poverty, and we provide role models for information and guidance from within Banyan and the residents of the Phillips neighborhood. Banyan youth thrive—and ultimately succeed as adults—because whole families and the larger community become connected and engaged.

We hope you enjoy reading the stories and successes from last year and continue with us on our journey of transformation. Together we will make a difference, working and walking together to support community.

Read the Full 2020-2021 Annual Report.